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2024 New Year Yoga Challenge

Updated: Jan 23

Yes, it may be cliche but if it works, it works and for some of us a New Year's Resolution is just the ticket to getting our practices back in line with our values and goals.

Plus, it feels good to move your body and connect with community so setting a WildHeart workout goal for 2024 is something we will continue to help to bring to your conscious mind.

2024 Yoga & Wellness Challenge Canmore

No matter what the specifics of your goals are, there is likely an underlying need and desire for overall mental and physical health.

We are lucky enough to live, work and play in a big, beautiful mountain playground and for some, that outdoor sports time is all we want. For some of us variety keeps us engaged and for others someone needs to drag us kicking and screaming to anything labelled "exercise".

But no matter what your preferences are we know that moving our bodies keeps us young, happy, and healthy.

So, WildHeart invites you to explore our amazing barre & yoga classes as part of the 2024 life you are building for yourself.

Join The Yoga Challenge!

Join us and benefit from the subtle and powerful benefits of goal setting, social accountability, and tracking progress with a sticker! As well you will also be entered for prizes for WildHeart passes and merchandise and goodies from our partner brands.

The Winter Pass is a 2-month unlimited pass that allows you to attend as many of our yoga and barre classes as you would like. Priced at $199 it offers savings compared to any of our other passes or sales. If you were to commit to 3 classes a week for January and February you would save over $365 compared to regular drop-in prices or over $50 compared to our 20-class card with our Boxing Day sale. The reason that we are highlighting this information is that we know how budgeting can be a big part of some people's New Year's goals and ultimately we want to support you in being able to do the things that make you happy and keep you healthy and if that involves coming to breath, sweat and move with us we want to get you the best deal we can!

Please reach out with any questions that you have and we can support you in building the 2024 WildHeart routine that suits you best!

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